
The Truth Behind Facebook’s Reach Drop: Understanding the FaceBook Algorithm in 2023

Why Facebook’s Reach is Decreasing?

The decline in Facebook’s organic reach can be attributed to two primary factors:

Increased content: As more and more content is published on the platform, there is less space available in the news feed for it to be displayed.

On average, over 510,000 comments and 293,000 statuses are posted on Facebook every minute.

Personalized news feeds: In an effort to improve engagement and optimize user experience, Facebook prioritizes content that is most relevant to each individual user based on their interests. As a result, content that is not as relevant to a particular user may not be shown in their news feed, leading to a decline in organic reach for that content.

Understanding the Facebook Algorithm in 2023

Facebook states that its Feed feature is designed to display stories that are both meaningful and informative to users. As of 2023, the platform utilizes three primary ranking signals to determine which stories are displayed in a user’s Feed:

The source of the post: Users are more likely to see content from sources with whom they frequently interact, including friends and businesses.

The type of content: If a user engages more with video content, for example, they will see more videos in their Feed.

Interactions with the post: Posts that receive a high level of engagement, particularly from people a user frequently interacts with, will be prioritized in the Feed.

To further personalize the Feed experience, Facebook offers several options for users to train the algorithm and customize their Feed:

Favorites: Users can select up to 30 people and pages to add to their Favorites (formerly known as “See First”). Posts from these accounts will appear higher in the Feed.

In-feed options: Users can click on any post and select “I don’t want to see this” to tell Facebook they want fewer posts of that nature in their Feed. On ads, the equivalent option is “Hide ad.”

Community Standards: Facebook will remove any content that goes against its Community Standards. Additionally, it may also limit the audience for certain types of sensitive content, such as nudity, violence, and graphic content.

So now its clear to you why Facebook page reach is low & how FB algorithm work in 2023

Source: Meta Business

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